Medication Administration
The administration of medication in the school setting is a service that is provided to promote wellness, decrease absenteeism and to remove a barrier to learning. When there is a need for a student to receive medication in school, safe and proper administration is essential. GCA encourages communication between the parents and healthcare provider to assure maximum safety in the giving of medication to the student who requires medication to be provided during the time the student is in school.
All prescription to be given in school must be ordered by a licensed health care provider authorized to prescribe medication, which includes physicians, dentists, physician assistants or licensed nurse practitioners. This authorization must be updated annually for students in grades K-12.
Students in preschool and extended care will need authorization by a licensed health care provider authorized to prescribe medication on for any over the counter or prescription medication to be given at school. This authorization needs to be updated every 6 months. All medication needs to be in its original container.
Any changes in the original medication authorization requires a new written authorization and a corresponding change in the prescription label.
Herbal, holistic, homeopathic and/or natural products must be given at home or the parent can administer the medication at school.
Aspirin will only be given with doctor’s order.
Benadryl (except for minor allergic reaction) will not be given at school.
An approved medication authorization form should be used and should contain the following:
- Date prescription written
- Student name
- Diagnosis
- Name of medication to be administered
- Dosage Time of administration
- Route of administration
- Anticipated length of treatment
- Possible side effects
- Provider's signature
- Parent’s information and signature
The parent will hand deliver over-the-counter medication to the school nurse or staff member. The medication must be in original container.You may discuss with your child’s doctor an alternative schedule for administering medication (e.g., outside of school hours).
The parent will hand deliver prescription medication to the school nurse or staff member. Prescription medication must be dated, labeled with name, name of medication, dosage, doctor’s name, instructions and brought into the school in the original container as dispensed by the pharmacist.
Medications including prescription, over-the-counter, essential oils should be given to the student at home whenever possible. The first dose of any new medication must be given at home.
Students are not allowed to self-administer any medication with the exception of asthma, insulin, or epi pens.
Any self-administration of medication for Asthma, Diabetes, and severe allergic reactions require a completed care plan signed by the health care provider and parent/guardian.
Chap stick/lip balm may be sent to school for your child's use only. It cannot be shared with other students.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to collect any medication from school when the student is no longer taking that medication. If it is not collected, medication will be safely disposed of according to state and federal laws.
School personnel will not administer any medication to students unless they have received a medication form properly completed and signed by the doctor and the medication has been received in an appropriately labeled container. In fairness to those giving the medication and to protect the safety of your child, there will be no exception to this policy.
Prescription Authorization Form