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Grading Scale - Grades 2-12

In keeping with the regional trend in local and statewide school districts, GCA has adopted a ten point grading scale and corresponding quality points:

A (93.00-100.00) 4.0

A- (90.00-92.99) 3.7

B+ (87.00-89.99) 3.3

B (83.00-86.99) 3.0

B- (80.00-82.99) 2.7

C+ (77.00-79.99) 2.3

C (73.00-76.99) 2.0

C- (70.00-72.99) 1.7

D+ (67.00-69.99) 1.3

D (64.00-66.99) 1.0

F (63.99 and below) 0.0

Student grade point averages

Individual student grade point averages are calculated on a 4.0 scale and are updated on a semester basis. The overall GPA is computed with weighted credits and includes all courses with the exception of Office/Teacher Aide and Resource Accountability.

Class rank

Class rank is determined at the conclusion of the first semester of study for 12th grade students. Class standings are not finalized until the conclusion of study for each school year.