The philosophy of the upper school student activities department involves the structuring of the program with the goal of total child development.
Greenbrier Christian Academy’s athletic program is an extension of the overall philosophy of the school. It is the goal of the athletic program to provide our school community and the surrounding community with a strong Christ-like example through our attitudes, actions, communications, and efforts in competition (Colossians 3:17).
The clinic serves students and their families by coordinating the school’s health care program, implementing scoliosis, hearing and vision screenings, as well as administering nursing care by a licensed, registered nurse.
The mission of the GCA Facilities Team is to provide a safe, clean, organized campus to educate, disciple and provide witness to all students, parents, staff, visitors and our neighbors through our perseverance towards excellence and good stewardship.
GCA students enjoy different menu items catored by popular local vendors like Chic-Fil-A and Pizza Hut. Microwaves are available for students to prepare food from home, and snacks and drinks are available for purchase.
Library Hours:
7:30am to 3:30pm M-F
Successful Techniques for Educational Progress
The STEP Center provides services for students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, slow processing skills, dysgraphia, and auditory or visual processing difficulties. These students must be of average cognitive ability and be able to work independently in a small group setting. Students and parents must be aware of the goal to enter the mainstream classroom when sufficient progress is attained.
GCA's Technology team consists of Mr. Paul Wright (pjwright@gcagators.org) and Miss Paige Till (pmtill@gcagators.com)
Our desire in the Business Office is to maintain the integrity of Greenbrier Christian Academy by correctly handling all funds passing through our office. Because we are representing our Savior, Jesus Christ, we in no way want to blemish the character of our Lord. As Christ stated in Matthew 22:19-21, "render to Caesar what is Caesar's…" we strive to make sure we comply with required laws of the land. Having an annual audit assures accountability for all financial areas.