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Successful Techniques for Educational Progress


Mission Statement
Realizing we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), the STEP Center recognizes
the unique and individual learning styles, strengths, and deficits of the learner. While applying
specific tools and techniques for success in the classroom and beyond, students may learn
techniques to strengthen their style and performance. 


The STEP Center provides services for students who learn differently. Students with dyslexia, slow
processing skills, dysgraphia, and auditory or visual processing difficulties can benefit in the STEP
Center. These students must be of average cognitive ability and be able to work independently in a
small group setting. Students and parents must be aware of the goal to enter the mainstream
classroom when sufficient progress is attained.

STEP is an academic center following the goals and objectives of the regular classroom. The content
of the subject area is not weakened. Vocabulary and expectations remain the same. Methodology
and assessment tools may change, but not the curriculum. The pace of the class may be slower at
times to accommodate for the learning styles of particular students. STEP is a structured, learning
environment, providing services to students who can do grade level work in some subjects, but may
struggle to keep the pace because of specific learning needs.

All applications will be screened by the Director of the STEP Center and a child study team.
Qualifying students must follow the regular admissions policy of GCA before acceptance is granted.
All students in Language Therapy and the Resource programs must have a current educational

Contact the STEP Director at 



In 1990, the administration of Greenbrier Christian Academy had identified a population of our students who were really struggling in the classroom. Tutoring could meet the needs of some of the students, but because of the severity of the language delays that were evident, we knew we had to design a program to address the problem areas.

Two of our teachers attended Southern Methodist University to begin Academic Language Therapy training. The course consisted of two summer sessions (4 weeks each) and 900 teaching hours to receive certification. We offered Language Therapy for the first time in the fall of 1990. Since that time, we have had several other teachers to train and teach Language Therapy.

With Therapy and tutoring in full bloom, we still had a group of students who could do grade level work but were struggling to keep the pace of the regular classroom. We began offering Resource classes in 1993 to address the needs of these students. For several years, Resource was a ‘pull out’ program. The students would come to the STEP Center for the classes that needed assistance. In 2006, we initiated our first ‘contained’ classes for Resource. Scheduling difficulties were eliminated and longer teaching spans were available. Presently, Resource classes are offered in Math and English/Language Arts.

Accountability classes have been offered since 1994 for students in grades 6 – 12. These classes contain no more than 5 students and they meet every day for one full class period. The teacher tutors, keeps the students focused and organized, and helps them study ahead of time to meet required deadlines.

All of the above services are offered to our parents for an additional fee. Our teachers are dedicated to meeting the specific academic needs of the students. Their spiritual growth is a priority, and we realize that unless we minister to the whole child, the academics will be lacking. Our goal is to equip our students with the tools and techniques to be successful in the regular classroom. We want them to be confident, Christ-like young men and women who work to their full potential.


Language Therapy

Academic Language Therapy is available for students who have been diagnosed with language related deficits. An Academic Language Therapist offers an individualized curriculum based on the Orton-Gillingham approach. This individualized class is phonetic, sequential, and multi-sensory to support the student in reading, writing, and spelling. Students in Language Therapy meet daily for one class period for an individualized session.



Resource classes are offered by grade level for students beginning in 2nd grade. These classes are designed for student who may find it difficult to keep the pace of the regular classroom. Each class will be limited to six students. Enrollment in the resource program is on a full year basis.


Academic Tutoring

Tutoring is available for students who experience temporary difficulties in a core subject area. Tutoring is contracted on an hourly basis in nine-week segments. The instruction is given by a qualified teacher who works in conjunction with the classroom teacher. The tutoring is for reinforcement of weak areas and securing new concepts, not for teaching new concepts unless an extended absence has occurred.



Accountability classes are offered to Collegiate Academy students who need additional assistance in organization, study skills, and preparation for assignments and projects. Accountability meets every day during a regularly scheduled class period. There will be no more than five students to one instructor. Accountability can be very helpful to students who struggle with getting everything accomplished on time and to those who fail to study sufficiently for tests. Accountability partners with teachers, parents, and students for successful achievement.

  • Profile Photo

    Sandy Talcott

    STEP Center Director/Teacher
  • Profile Photo

    Amanda Bussel

    STEP Teacher - Resource English
  • Profile Photo

    Emily Girardier

    STEP Teacher - Language Therapist
  • Profile Photo

    Christopher Mowery

    Teacher - Resource Math
  • Profile Photo

    Kimberly Smith

    STEP Teacher - Math & Algebra 1
  • Profile Photo

    Jacqueline Strange

    STEP Teacher - Language Therapist