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Curriculum Information

Aviation Department
Core Classes: Aviation 1, 2, 3, 4, Aviation Management.

Pathways: Elective, Pilot, Drone Operator, Mechanic, Flight Operations Management

Aviation Labs: Internships off campus during academic school day.

Bible Department
Students are required to take Bible each year.

English Department
All students are required to take four years of study.

Advanced electives: AP English Language & Composition, AP English Literature & Composition, Writers Workshop

Mathematics Department
Students complete this sequence of core courses:
Math 7 or Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II.

Advanced electives: Trigonometry/Statistics, Honors Trigonometry/Pre-Calc, AP Calculus AB, Adv Applied/Capstone Mathematics

Social Sciences Department
Students complete this sequence of core courses:
Civics, Geography, World Studies I & II, United States History, United States Government.

Electives: Psychology, Communication & Leadership
Advanced electives: AP United States History, AP United States Government, Contemporary U.S. History

Science Department
Students complete this sequence of core courses:
Life Science, Physical Science, Environmental Science, Biology, Chemistry.

Electives: Physics, Oceanography, Astronomy, Aviation
Advanced electives: Anatomy & Physiology, AP Biology,
AP Chemistry, Lab Internship

Foreign Language Department
Three years of study is required for a college preparatory diploma.

Electives: Spanish 1-5, Intro to Latin, other languages available via independent study

Fine Arts Department
All students are required to take a fine arts course before graduation.

Electives: Art I-IV, Art Independent Study, Pottery & Sculpture, Theater, Actor's Craft, Academy Singers, Choral Ambassadors (Auditioned)

Practical & Professional Arts Department
senior year.

Electives: Speech, Yearbook, Early Childhood Internship, Intro to Business, Intro to Accounting, Professional Office Technology, Office/Teacher Aide (not for credit)

Health and Physical Education Department
Two years of study is required for P.E. and Health.

Elective: Advanced P.E./Conditioning